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It’s time to change something in your home, to add some bright and unexpected solutions, to refresh the interior with the rich palette of colours. 

We would like to bring to your attention our collection of images for full-colour printing on mirrors and glass, these solutions are successfully used for rolling door wardrobes, connecting doors, kitchens.

Modern technologies and certified high-quality materials guarantee ecological safety, hight quality of colour transfer and coating durability. All this allows to use glass and mirrors with full-colour printing not only in rolling door wardrobes and connecting doors but also in the furniture located in rooms with higher sanitary requirements, for example, in children’s rooms.

The themes of the images are diverse and can satisfy the needs of the most demanding customers: nature, abstraction, textures, children’s themes, space, cars etc.

Every image can be made as:

  1. A mirror with full-colour printing from the front, injury free film on the back of the mirror.
  2. A matt mirror with full-colour printing from the front, injury free film on the back of the mirror.
  3. Ground glass with full-colour printing from the front, transparent injury free film (D-C-Fix) on the back of the mirror.
  4. Ground glass with full-colour printing from the front, white injury free film (Oracal) on the back of the mirror.
  5. Glass with full-colour printing from the back, transparent injury free film (D-C-Fix) on the back of the glass.
  6. Glass with full-colour printing from the back, white injury free film (Oracal) on the back of the glass.

For your interior you can choose an image from our catalogue or place an order for your own image.

Fill your home with bright colours!

Should you have any questions, please contact our manager:
Yulia Kuligina,
тел.: 8 904 311 00 61

Collection of drawings/ full-colour printing on "Bonarty" mirrors and glass in the interior

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Wholesale price

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